Camila Garcia Voelkl


– Debemos empoderar a las nuevas generaciones a sentirse orgullosas de sus raices, en un mundo donde la identidad se nos da, pero la identificacion debemos construirla –

Amigo Bilingue

I am from Colombia and my husband from Mexico. When I moved to the USA and my two daughters were born, we decided to teach them to love their country but also to understand and love equally their rooted cultures and language.

Our identities are forged on our values, customs, language and the environment we are surrounded with. Coming from Latin countries, our costumes differ in many ways from our surrounding culture. The mixture of them all is what makes us special.

Empowering my girls and other families to show and be pride of their Latino roots is a mission I am approaching from a new perspective with AmigoBilingue.

Cada cultura absorbe elementos de las culturas cercanas y lejanas, pero luego se caracteriza por la forma en que incorpora esos elementos”.

 -Umberto Eco
