Our lady of Guadalupe.

Por: Camila Garcia Voelkl.

When we talk about Mexican culture, we cannot fail to mention the Lady of Guadalupe who is not just a religious icon, but is rooted in their history and identity. The Guadalupana is present in all the traditions, music, art and history of Mexico and it is easy to find her image in various parts of the city and in most homes.

Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared between December 9 and 12, 1531, on the Mount of Tepeyac, in front of an Indian named Juan Diego and asked him to go to the bishop to ask him to build a temple there.

Juan Diego spoke with the bishop and told him what had happened, who, incredulous, asked him for proof of the virgin’s appearance. In the second apparition, the Virgin asks Juan Diego to return the next day and she will give him a sign, however, the next day, Juan Diego cannot go because his uncle Bernardino was very ill and had to look for a doctor. In the early morning of December 12, Juan Diego hurried off to find a priest for his uncle because he was dying and he avoided passing where he always met the Virgin. Suddenly the Virgin Mary came out to meet him and he said that he should not worry about his uncle, because he was already healthy but that he should go up to the top of the hill and there he would give him the signal.

Juan Diego ' Virgen de Guadalupe

At the summit Juan Diego found several fresh Castilian roses, which was very rare since they were in winter and the roses did not grow at that time. Juan Diego cut them and put them in his Tilma to take them to the bishop.

When Juan Diego unfolded the Tilda (his blanket) to show the bishop, the image of who today is known as the Virgin of Guadalupe was painted on the tilma.

What day is the Virgin celebrated?

December 12, the last day that the Virgin appeared to Juan Diego, was chosen as the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. At dawn, Mexicans honor the Virgin with a serenade, singing las mañanitas to her and visiting the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City. Although the celebration began in Mexico, it is also celebrated in other countries of the world such as the Philippines or the United States. In the city of Chicago, the second largest Guadalupana festival takes place after Mexico City.


Encourage the children to use different colors to create a beautiful image of Our Lady of Guadalupe or find the words in the word search activity

Download the image and print it on a letter size sheet (8×11).

This is a cute printed poster of Our Lady of Guadalupe with a message that says “Take care of me.” Three different sizes to choose from.

Children can also wear the virgin with their “Take care of me” t-shirt. A nice way to share your beliefs and culture.
